Welcome to the J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research
Expanding the Horizons of Biblical Research
The J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research (The Groves Center) is a non-profit dedicated to the translation and study of the Bible. We create and distribute digital files containing the text and linguistic analysis (morphology and syntax at present) of the Hebrew Bible.

The Westminster Hebrew Morphology and the Westminster Hebrew Syntax may be freely used for personal investigation, study, etc. within the limits of the Creative Commons license.

The Westminster Hebrew Morphology and the Westminster Hebrew Syntax may be freely used for academic research within the limits of the Creative Commons license.

Use of the Westminster Hebrew Morphology and/or the Westminster Hebrew Syntax in a commercial product will require a commercial license. Please contact the Groves Center for more information.
*No Restrictions on the Use of the Westminster Leningrad Codex
The Westminster Leningrad Codex is in the public domain, and thus is not copyrighted nor are permissions needed for its use. An acknowledgement of the Groves Center with such use would be much appreciated even if it is not required.
A for-profit business that uses the Westminster Hebrew Morphology (WHM) or the Westminster Hebrew Syntax (WHS) for commercial use requires a Commercial Use License. Otherwise, the WHM and the WHS may be used under a Creative Commons International 4.0 Attribution, Non-Commercial, Non-Derivative Use License.
Advanced Linguistic Datasets of the Hebrew Bible
Available for Download
A morphology of the Hebrew Bible. A word-by-word analysis of the 400,000+ words containing the dictionary form and part of speech of each word.
A syntax database built upon our morphology. Computer-generated sentence diagrams based on general rules and specific annotations of the Hebrew Bible.
The oldest complete Hebrew Bible at your fingertips.
The Groves Center maintains the standard copy of the digital Hebrew Bible, commonly referred to as the “Westminster Leningrad Codex.” The Groves Center offers it free of charge in Unicode file format(.txt) for personal use or academic research.
News from the Groves Center
Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised (DCHR)
The third volume (Zayin-Tet) in the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised (DCHR), edited by the late Dr. David J. A. Clines, is now available for
Adding Strong’s Numbers
The Groves Center has also added Strong’s Numbers to its Westminster Hebrew Morphology database for the upcoming Creative Commons release. Our source even provides numbers
Robert Kraft R.I.P.
Another great scholar involved in the application of computer technology to the study of ancient religious texts has died. Prof. Robert A. Kraft died on
The Hebrew Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) is on-line!
The Hebrew Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) is on-line! This important scholarly dictionary of Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic has been the primary
David J. A. Clines Has Died at Age 84
The scholar David J. A. Clines, co-founder of Sheffield Phoenix Press and editor of the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, has died at age 84. Here
The Third Volume (Zayin-Tet) in the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised (DCHR)
The third volume (Zayin-Tet) in the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised (DCHR), edited by the late Dr. David J. A. Clines, is scheduled to be